Recent News
October 2022
- Fri/Sun (Oct 21/23) Syn goes BOB and River SB to earn a few more point each towards their silver and bronze GCh titles.
September 2022
- Sat (Sept 17) Ivy goes WB and then on to BOS over multiple specials for a 4 pt major! Huge thank you to judge Luis Sosa. Syn takes SB and Mako takes BOB - a nice family affair of Stormy kids!
- Sat/Sun (Sept 10/11) Syn takes SB and BOS for 10 more points towards her Silver GCh. Ivy takes WB both days to earn 2 more points and River takes SB one day for 5 more points towards her Bronze. Stormy's son, Mako, wins the breed both days to pick up 2 more majors towards his GCh. Great weekend for all the kids. (0-2)-(1-5)
August 2022
- Fri (Aug 19), our only show in Aug, Syn goes BOB and River SB to each pick up a couple more points towards their Silver and Bronze GCh titles.
July 2022
- Sat/Sun (Jul 30/31) Syn is BOS and SB in counts of (0-3)-(2-5) to pick up her Bronze GCh title. All the dogs also got to run 4 Fast CATs and River wowed us all with a 7.04 time to run 100 yards which correlates to a little over 29mph - pretty fast pup! Sachmo finished his BCAT title as well!
- Sat/Sun (Jul 9/10) Syn takes BOB both days to pick up 8 more points towards her Bronze GCH (just 3 more to go!) and River is SB both days to pick up 4 more points towards hers.
June 2022
- Thurs-Sun (Jun 16-19) Syn takes BOB all three days to pick up 11 more points towards her Bronze GCh, River is SB all 4 days to pick up 7 more points towards hers. Ivy is WB on Friday for 1 more champion point!
- Fri-Sun (Jun 10-12) Syn takes BOB all three days to pick up another 6 points towards her Bronze GCh and picks up a Group 4 under Stacey Davis. River takes SB all three days for 3 more points towards her Bronze. Nice weekend for the girls.
May 2022
- Sat-Mon (May 21-23) Syn gets 2x BOS and 1 more BOB win under her belt. Not a bad first weekend out for this youngster.
- Fri (May 20) Syn attends her first show with her momma and takes BOB and then goes on to a Hound Group 3 under JoAnne Buehler. So proud of this beautiful, young pup!
April 2022
- Stormy officially retires after our Lewiston shows. She finishes out a spectacular career as the highest ranking GOLD GCh in the breed, #2 PH in lifetime grand champion points (#1 bitch in lifetime GCh points). She also retires as the #1 PH (breed points) as of Mar 31st. She retires at the top of her game and I could not be more proud of her!
- Fri-Mon (Apr 22-25) Stormy takes BOS Fri/Sat and BOB Sun/Mon plus a group 2 under Pam Peat. Syn is SB Fri/Sun/Mon to earn 10 more points towards her bronze GCh and Ivy takes WB on Sun for 1 more Ch point.
- Sat/Sun (Apr 16/17) Stormy goes BOB both days and then a Group 4 on Saturday under Nikki Riggsbee and a Group 1 under Gareth Morgan-Jones on Sunday. Syn picks up SB both days for 4 more points towards her bronze GCh. Great weekend for the girls!
March 2022
- Sat/Sun (Mar 26/27) Stormy takes BOB in an entry of 10 on Sat and BOS on Sun. Syn takes SB on Sat for another 5 pts towards her Bronze GCh.
- Sat (Mar 19) Skye, River and Sachmo attended their first ASFA lure coursing trail in over 3 years. River QC'd and then took first place in open stake for her first 12 pts. Skye was 2nd and Sachmo 3rd. Nice day running for the kids.
- Thurs - Sun (Mar 17-20) Stormy sweeps BOB down in Anderson, CA for 20 more points towards her platinum GCh and picks up a big Group 3 under Paula Nykiel. Syn takes SB 3 out of 4 days to pick up 7 more points towards her bronze. Ivy takes WB 2 out of 4 days for 2 more points towards her championship. Great weekend for the girls!
- Sat/Sun (Mar 12/13) Stormy takes BOS on Sat and BOB on Sun for 7 more points towards her platinum GCh and Syn takes SB both days for 3 more points towards her bronze!
January 2022
- Fri (Jan 21) Stormy takes BOB in an entry of 7 to pick of 5 more points towards her platinum and Syn takes SB to pick up 2 more points towards her bronze.
- Monday (Jan 17) Stormy takes BOS again to pick up 2 more points towards her platinum
- Sun (Jan 16) Stormy takes BOS in an entry of 12 and Syn is SB for another 5 pts towards her GCh bronze. Stormy's son Mako finished his Ch on Saturday and went on to take BOB today for his first GCh major -- keeping it in the family! Great day!
- Sun (Jan 9) Stormy takes BOS in an entry of 13 and River is SB for another 5 pt GCh major and finishes her GCh title! A lovely weekend for all the girls.
- Saturday (Jan 8) Stormy is BOS in an entry of 12 and Syn is SB for another 5 pt GCh major and finishes her GCh title. Great day for the two girls.
- Friday (Jan 7) down in Palm Springs, CA Syn takes BOB in an entry of 16 for a big 5 pt GCh major. Stormy takes SB for 5 more pts towards her GCh Platinum and Ivy was RBW to the major! Great first day for the kidgs.