Recent News
November 2015
- Saturday (Nov 28) a nice way to end our year. Emerson takes 1st place in the Veterans Stake to pick up 2 more points towards his LCX (just 9 more to go!!) and Rebel earns his MC title. Great day running in 20 degree weather. And now a nice couple month break to enjoy the holidays with family and friends.
- Saturday (Nov 14) Bubble goes BOB in a small entry to earn 2 more GCh points towards her silver and Versace goes BOS for his first GCh point at just 14 months of age. Nice day for both pups.
October 2015
- Sunday (Oct 18) in North Bend, WA Cairo takes first place in the Veteran Stakes and then goes on to win BOB for a 4-pt major towards his LCX! Nice job Ro-Bear!
- Saturday (Oct 17) in North Bend, WA Cairo takes 1st place in the Veteran Stakes for 2 more LCX points and Bubble wins the Open Stakes plus BOB to take another 5-pt major and become a brand new Field Champion!!!! Versace earns his SC title today. A great day for all the dogs!
- Sunday (Oct 04) in Cathlamet, WA Cairo takes 1st place in the Veteran stakes for 2 more points towards his LCX and Bubble wins the Open stake for 1 more point towards her FC title. After 3 days of running she is sitting pretty with 11 points (both majors) and 3 legs of her SC title. Way to go little girl!
- Saturday (Oct 03) in Cathlamet, WA Emerson takes 1st place in the Veteran stakes for 2 more points towards his LCX, Phoenix wins the Specials stake for 1 more points towards his LCX and Bubble takes 1st place in Open and goes on to win BOB for another 5-pt major towards her FC title!!! WooHoo!
September 2015
- After 7 weeks off, we drove down to Southern Oregon for lure coursing on Saturday (Sept 26). Versace and Bubble both QC'd and then Bubble went on to win BOB for her first 5-pt majors towards her FC title. Versace was 2nd in the open stake and started to get the hang of it by his last run. Emerson was 2nd in veteran stakes for 1 more point towards his LCX. A nice day for all the pups.
August 2015
- Saturday (Aug 29) Griffyn lost his battle with cancer and we had to say goodbye to him. He did not have enough time on this earth. His life was too short, but in that short period of time…he lived! Griffyn was a diamond that sparkled and glowed from every facet. He was sweet, wonderful, energetic, loving and very intuitive. He was the type of dog to know when you were upset or having a bad day and he would come give you a gentle kiss. He came to work with me every day and was the office favorite – he got lots of cookies and pets from all my co-workers. His life was happy – just too short. His experiences were vast, he was titled in conformation, lure coursing and racing but none of that really means much when you would trade it all for another day. Being part of a “team” means you sacrifice for each other. I would have given anything to save him but it just wasn’t meant to be. Griffyn was a “once in a lifetime dog”…and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Be at peace, my friend, and I will see you again someday. ~ BISS Am GCh DC, Can GCh, UKC Ch, Int’l Ch. XO Royal Flush SC, JOR, FCh
- Sunday (Aug 2) in Canfield, OH Griffyn (only shown today) takes a big BOS win with counts of (3-7)-(5-3). So proud of all 3 boys and how they did during this 4 day cluster.
- Saturday (Aug 1) in Canfield, OH Phoenix again goes SD with counts of (3-7)-(4-3).
July 2015
- Friday (Jul 31) in Canfield, OH Versace goes WD/BOW to earn a 5-pt major and becomes a brand new AKC Champion at just 11 months old!!!!! Phoenix again goes SD with counts of (4-6)-(4-3).
- Thursday (Jul 30) in Canfield, OH Versace goes WD to pick up 2 more points towards his AKC Championship and Phoenix picks up a very nice SD with counts of (3-6)-(3-3).
- Saturday (Jul 25) Griffyn goes BOB to pick up another GCh major and becomes a brand new AKC GRAND Champion!!!!! I am so incredibly proud of my little man and I am also proud that I was able to be at the end of the leash for every single point, major, group placement and group win over the years. He and I make a very special team. Very happy!!!
- Monday (Jul 20) we went down to Damascus, OR to run LGRA. Rebel took 1st place and BOB to earn 2 more GRC points (only 2.5 to go!), Phoenix took 2nd place for 1 national point and Cairo was 3rd for 1 GRC point. Very proud of how everyone ran!
- Sunday (Jul 05), the tag team duo strikes yet again. As has become the norm since we started showing in AKC this year, Griffyn takes breed one day and Phoenix follows it up the next day. Today was Phoenix's turn to take BOB for a 3-pt major towards his Bronze GCh. Super proud of him.
- Saturday (Jul 04), Griffyn takes BOB down in Bandon, OR for a 3-pt GCh major over a nice lineup of specials and now just needs 2 singles to finish his championship!
June 2015
- Saturday (Jun 20) Versace takes WD/BOW for 1 pt and Griffyn goes SD for 1 pt down in Canby, OR.
- Sunday (Jun 14) running AKC over in Spokane, WA Griffyn takes BOB for 3 more points towards his LCX title. Rebel took 2nd place for 1 LCX point and Cairo took 1st place in veterans to earn 1 LCX point! Emerson also picked up the last leg for his Master Courser (MC) title today! A great weekend for all the pups!!
- Saturday (Jun 13) running ASFA over in Spokan, WA Phoenix takes 1st place in open stake to pick up his last pointed needed for his Field Champion title!!! Cairo took 1st place in veteran stake to earn his Field Champion title!!!! And Griffyn took BOB for more LCM points.
- Sunday (Jun 07) Phoenix takes BOB in Puyuallup, WA to pick up the last 2 points needed for his GCh title and he officially made history by becoming the first dual country GRAND Champion between USA and Canada! I am so proud of the team that Todd and Phoenix make. Every single point and group placement was owner handled!! Very proud.
- Saturday (Jun 06) Griffyn takes BOB in Puyallup, WA to earn 2 more points towards his GCh title. Just 6 more points to go!!
May 2015
- A great weekend in Washington's wine country (May 30-31). On Saturday (May 30) Griffyn takes BOB to pick up his last needed GCh major and then on Sunday (May 31) Phoenix takes BOB for another major towards his GCh title. Phoenix just needs 2 singles to finish and Griffyn needs 8. So very proud of both boys this weekend!!
- Versatility Weekend (May 23-25). Four events in three days; LGRA, NOTRA, Conformation Match and ASFA Lure Coursing. It was a very busy days and all the boys did fantastic. In LGRA, Phoenix was BOB for two national points and Rebel took 2nd place for 1 GRC point. In NOTRA, Griffyn was BOB for 2 ORC points and Phoenix was 2nd for 1 ORC point and he earned his JOR title!!!! For the conformation match Phoenix was BOB and then went on to win BIS!! Very proud of him! In ASFA Lure Coursing Phoenix was 1st in open stake, Rebel was 2nd, Emerson 3rd and in FCh stake Griffyn was 2nd and finally in Veterans Cairo was 3rd and Anubis 4th. The dog with the highest combined score that competed in all events over the weekend gets the bragging rights of being named the Versatility Champion and this year that honor went to Phoenix!! So proud of my youngster!!
- Sunday (May 17) at the ASFA II (lure coursing championship) Rebel stunned us all by taking a big BOB win (in an entry of 14) which qualified him to compete for Best in II!!! The two PHs representing the breed were Rebel and Griffyn. How incredibly exciting. Griffyn picked up 2nd place in open which made him a brand new ASFA Field Champion!!! Our first FCh! So excited! Phoenix was 3rd and Emerson was 4th. In veterans, Cairo picked up 3rd place and Anubis was NBQ. So incredibly proud of how everyone ran this weekend!!
- Saturday (May 16) at the ASFA II (lure coursing championship) Griffyn takes BOB (in an entry of 14) for 20 pts towards his FCh title and becomes qualified to compete for Best in II! So incredibly proud of everything this boy has accomplished. Phoenix was 2nd in open stake, Emerson was 4th and Rebel NBQ. In veterans Cairo took a big 2nd place for 15 pts towards his V-FCh title and Anubis was NBQ.
- Sunday (May 3) in Elma, WA, Phoenix again goes BOB and gets a 5-pt major!!! He now just needs 6 singles to finish his Grand Champion title!!! So proud of him and Todd! Versace was again WD and showed solidly.
- Saturday (May 2) in Elma, WA, Phoenix takes BOB for a 3-pt major (the last major needed for his Grand Champion title)!!! Griffyn takes SD and Versace showed well for a friend and took WD. A nice day out for the boys!
April 2015
- Saturday (Apr 25) at the PHCA Western Specialty in Chino, CA -- Versace goes WD/BOW for a 5-pt major!!! Phoenix makes it to the final round but doesn't place. Great day for all the boys!
- Friday (Apr 24) at the PHCA National in Chino, CA -- Versace goes RWD and BOS in Sweeps. Griffyn makes it through two rounds of cuts but ultimately doesn't get anything.
- Thursday (Apr 23) down in Chino, CA for the PHCA combined National/Western Specialty lure coursing trials our 6 boys represented very well. In AKC lure coursing Emerson took 2nd place in the specials stake to earn 3 LCX points, Phoenix was 3rd for 2 LCX pts, Griffyn was 4th and Rebel was 5th. In a huge veteran stake of 9 dogs, Cairo took 2nd place for 3 LCX points and Anubis was 5th! In ASFA lure coursing Griffyn pulled out a big 2nd place against 12 open dogs to earn 36 pts towards his FCh, Rebel was 4th for 12 pts towards his FCh, Emerson was 6th and Phoenix was 7th. In the veteran stake Cairo again took 2nd place for 15 pts towards his FCh and Anubis was 4th for 5 pts towards his FCh title. Great day running for all the boys and even little Versace got to do a puppy run and had fun!!
- Saturday (Apr 18) in Emmett, ID we attended our first ASFA lure coursing trail of the year. In the open stakes, Phoenix takes 1st place for 16 pts, Griffyn earns 2nd place for 12 pts, Emerson was 3rd for 8 pts and Rebel was 4th for 4 pts. In the Veteran stakes, Cairo takes 1st place for 12 pts and Anubis was 3rd for 6 points! Nice day running for all the pups.
March 2015
- Sunday (Mar 29) in Las Vegas, NV Griffyn goes SD for a 3 pt GCh major and Versace went WD for 1 more point towards his championship.
- Saturday (Mar 28) in Las Vegas, NV Phoenix goes BOS for a 5 pt GCh major!
- Sunday (Mar 1) down in Scottsdale, AZ Versace goes WD for his first two AKC points at 6 months, 4 days old!! Super proud of him, he showed so well and did fantastic for such a young pup!
February 2015
- Sunday (Feb 28) Phoenix goes to his first Barn Hunt trial and passes the instinct test to earn his RATI title! He is now a quadruple titlist having earned titles in conformation, racing, lure coursing and now barn hunt! Way to go Phoenix!
- Canada show Sunday (Feb 22) Phoenix goes BOB for his final 2 points needed and earns his Grand Champion title!!!! And Versace for the 3rd day in a row takes Best Baby Puppy in Group! What a weekend for all the puppies! Two new Grand Champions, a group win and 3x Best Baby Puppy in Group wins for the new kid on the block! So excited!
- Canada show Saturday (Feb 21) Phoenix goes BOB for 2 more points towards his GCh title. Versace again takes Best Baby Puppy in Group!
- Canada show Friday (Feb 20) Griffyn goes BOB for his final 2 points for his Grand Champion title, becoming the 1st PH in Canada to gain this title and to make the accomplishment even sweeter he goes on to win a Hound Group 1 over many top dogs!!! So incredibly proud of him. Versace had his show ring debut in the Baby Puppy classes (3-6 month) and he take Best Baby Puppy in Group over some nice competition.
- Our season kicked off with a race meet down in sunny CA! On Saturday (Feb 14) running LGRA Phoenix takes High Score in Breed to pick up 2 pts and becomes a brand new Gazehound Racing Champion (straight racing)!!!! Super proud of this kid! Rebel took 2nd place to pick up 1 more pt towards his GRC! On Sunday (Feb 15) running NOTRA Griff takes High Score in Breed for 2 pts towards his ORC and Phoenix takes 2nd place to earn 1 more ORC pt towards his ORC! The boys all had a blast and enjoyed running in the sunshine!