Recent News
November 2019
- Stormy received her Westminster invite for being in America's top 5 Pharaoh Hounds through Oct 31st, what an accomplishment. Very proud of her!
- A nice weekend close to home for the girls; Stormy takes back to back BOB wins at WIKC Sa/Sun (Nov 16/17) to pick up 8 more pts towards her silver GCh and Skye takes SB both days to pick up 4 more pts towards hers! Our show season is winding down and we are all ready for the break.
October 2019
- Sat/Sun (Oct 26/27) down in Ridgefield, WA Stormy takes back to back BOB wins in entries of (2-4)-(3-2) each day to pick up 10 more pts towards her Silver GCh.
- Sat/Sun (Oct 19/20) the girls have a nice weekend in Wenatchee. Stormy takes BOB both days for 6 more pts towards her GCh silver then earns a group 3 under Polly Smith on Sat and a group 2 under Dana Cline on Sun. Skye takes SB both days for 4 more pts towards her GCh silver!
- Thurs - Sun (Oct 10-13) Stormy takes BOB 4 days in Boise, ID to pick up another 11 pts towards her Silver GCh and makes the cut under Jamie Hubbard and Allen Odom.
September 2019
- Fri/Sat/Sun (Sept 27/28/29) Stormy is BOB to pick up 4 more points towards her Silver GCh and Skye is SB and 2x BOS to earn 3 more points towards her Silver GCh.
- Sat/Sun (Sept 14/15) Stormy takes back to back BOB wins in entries of (0-1)-(2-2) each day to earn 8 more pts towards her silver GCh. So proud of how well she is doing.
- Sun (Sept 8) Stormy takes BOB again in the same entry for 5 more pts towards her Silver and then gets a nice Group 3 under Kenneth Levison. What a great weekend for her. Skye also takes SB for 2 more pts towards her Silver. So proud of my two girls.
- Sat (Sept 7) Stormy is BOB again in an entry of (3-1)-(0-3) for 5 pts towards her Silver GCh title.
- Fri (Sept 6) Stormy is BOB in an entry of (3-1)-(0-3) for five more pts and becomes a brand new Bronze Grand Champion!! So proud of her.
- Thurs (Sept 5) Stormy, down in Roseburg, OR, is SB in an entry of (4-1)-(0-3) for 2 more pts.
- Sun (Sept 1) running LGRA, Stormy is again BOB for another point and Skye is 2nd place for .5 pts and both girls earned their GRC titles!!!! So proud of how well they run.
August 2019
- Sat (Aug 31) running LGRA, Stormy is 1st place and BOB for 1 more pt towards her GRC (1 more to go!) and Skye is 2nd place for .5 pts (.5 more for her to earn her GRC!). Sachmo was 3rd place.
- Sun (Aug 18) Stormy takes BOB for 3 more pts towards her GCh bronze; 3 more to go!
- Sat (Aug 17) Stormy takes BOB for another point towards her GCh bronze; just 6 more to go!
- Sun (Aug 11) Stormy takes BOB for 1 more point towards her GCh bronze.
- Sat(Aug 10) Skye takes BOB to pick up 1 more pt towards her GCh silver.
- Another great day Sunday (Aug 4); Stormy takes BOB again in entries of (2-4)-(3-3) to pick up another 5 pts towards her bronze GCh and then takes a big Group 2!! A weekend for the history books and just thrilled with how well she is showing.
- What a fabulous day Saturday (Aug 3) Stormy goes BOB at Western WA Hound Assoc in an entry of (2-3)-(2-3) to earn 5 more pts towards her bronze and later goes Group 1 (BISS) over 300 dogs under hound specialist Amy Sorbie!! So incredibly proud of her. She is the first PH to ever win this show (you have to go back to 2010 when a PH got a group 3 and then back to 2005 when one received a group 4).
July 2019
- Sun (Jul 28) Stormy takes BOB for 1 more pt towards her bronze in Sequim, WA and then takes a nice group 4 under Judith A Brown. A very nice weekend for her. She is now a group winning, multi group placing special. So proud.
- Sat (Jul 27) Stormy takes BOB for 1 more pt towards her bronze in Sequim, WA and then wins the hound group (Group 1) under judge Eva Berg!! So proud of how well she is showing. She got to compete in the BIS ring for the first time and looked fabulous.
- Fri (Jul 26) Stormy goes BOB for 2 pts towards her bronze down at Hurricane Ridge in Sequim, WA then goes on to win a big hound group 3 under Bruce Fraser (CAN).
- Sun (Jul 21) Stormy is BOB again down in Portland for another 3 pts towards her bronze. Good girl!
- Sat (Jul 20) Skye is BOB running LGRA for another point towards her GRC title (just one more to go!)
- Sat (Jul 20) Stormy is BOB down in Portland for 3 more pts towards her bronze GCh
- Mon (Jul 8) Skye is BOB for another pt towards her silver GCh.
- Sat/Sun (Jul 6/7) Stormy takes back to back BOB wins for 2 more pts towards her bronze GCh and makes the cut in group both days.
June 2019
- Sat (Jun 22) Stormy was BOB for another point towards her bronze.
- Sat/Sun (Jun 15/16) with just Stormy entered in entries of 12 each day at Cascade Hound down in OR, she takes SB and BOS to pick up 10 more pts towards her bronze with very nice comments from the judges.
- Sun (Jun 9) Stormy goes BOB and then takes a big Group 2 under judge Debra Thornton! Very proud of my big goofball.
- Sat (Jun 8) Stormy goes BOB for another point towards her GCh bronze and then makes the cut in the hound group.
- Fri (Jun 7) Skye goes BOB for another point towards her GCh silver and then makes the cut in a competitive hound group.
May 2019
- Sat (May 25) Stormy is BOB running in LGRA for another point towards her GRC title and Skye takes 2nd place for another .5 pts toward hers as well!
- Sun (May 19) Skye takes BOS and Stormy SB for more pts towards their silver and bronze GCh titles at the shows in Lynden. Nice weekend for both girls.
- Sat (May 18) Stormy takes BOS and Skye SB for more pts towards their bronze and silver GCh titles.
- Fri (May 17) Stormy goes BOB in Lynden for 4 pts towards her GCh bronze and then made the final cut in group! So proud of her. Skye was SB for another point towards her silver GCh.
- Sat (May 11) Stormy takes 1st Place and BOB to earn another GRC point and Skye takes 2nd place for another .5 pts.
- Sat (May 4) Stormy takes 1st Place and BOB over 3 PHs to earn another point towards her GRC title. Skye takes 2nd place for another .5 pts.
April 2019
- Fri - Sun (Apr 19 - 21) down in Lewiston, ID the girls have a fabulous weekend. Skye takes BOS, SB and BOB in entries of (1-4)-(1-3) over the 3 days to pick up 15 points and become a brand new GCh Bronze!!! Stormy takes BOB and SB 2 of the days to earn another 10 pts towards her bronze GCh. Then both girls earned their BCAT titles averaging around 27 mph!
- Sat (Apr 13) Skye takes BOB in Moses Lake for 1 more point towards her bronze GCh.
- Sat (Apr 6) Sachmo takes 1st in AKC lure coursing open stake for 1 more point towards his FC and Skye is BOB for 3 more pts towards her LCX.
March 2019
- Sun (Mar 24) Skye takes BOB to pick up another point towards her GCh bronze.
- Sat (Mar 23) Skye takes SB in Bremerton to pick up 2 more pts towards her GCh bronze. Meanwhile Stormy went straight racing (LGRA) with her brother Sachmo and earned 1st place, BOB, for another point towards her GRC title and Sachmo took 2nd place for .5 pts towards his GRC title.
- Sun (Mar 17) Sachmo takes BOB to earn 2 more points towards his FC title.
- Sat (Mar 16) Stormy takes 1st place in the Open stake at EBC for another point towards her FC and Skye takes BOB for another 3 pts towards her LCX.
- Sun (Mar 10) Skye takes BOS for 2 more points towards her GCh bronze, just 11 more to go!
- Sat (Mar 9) Stormy takes SB for 1 more point towards her GCh bronze.
January 2019
- Mon (Jan 14) Stormy takes SB for 4 more points towards her GCh bronze.
- Sun (Jan 13) Skye takes SB in an entry of (1-3)-(2-3) to pick up another 4 pts towards her Bronze.
- First show of the year Sat (Jan 12) and Skye takes BOS in an entry of (1-3)-(2-3) for another 5 pts towards her GCh Bronze! Just 17 more points to go.